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Gender Neutral Children’s Clothing-What You Need To Know

Gender Neutral Children’s Clothing-What You Need To Know

More and more parents are realising the benefits of gender neutral clothing for their children and there are some very good reasons whyWhile gender neutral clothing is nothing new in the adult fashion world, very few retailers actually carry gender neutral clothing in children’s sizesTypically, only premium children’s clothing retailers will carry gender neutral clothing lines and as our culture moves away from traditional gender stereotypes, children’s fashion is slowly coming around.

What Is Gender Neutral Clothing?

So, what exactly is gender neutral clothing and why does it matter? Gender neutral clothing is all about self-expression, creativity, and acceptance and it says no to the idea that pink is for girls and blue is for boysAnd just where did that pink is for girls and blue is for boys idea come from anyway?

Originally, children’s clothing was gender neutral and it wasn’t until the turn of the 20th century when colourful clothing for children was being sold everywhereIn fact, pink was considered a masculine colour until at least the 1940’s and it was not uncommon for boys to be photographed and dressed in dresses and bonnet hats.

This gender division by colour became a popular trend thanks to ‘modern’ technology during the 80’s where parents could learn the gender of their baby before it was born, began to grow in popularity until it became the new normal.

Benefits Of Gender-Neutral Clothing

What are the benefits of gender-neutral clothing? Besides being more stylish than the tradition boy colours and girl colours, gender neutral clothing eliminates many of the stereotypical perspectives that extend beyond our children’s wardrobesIt even removes the limits of fashion and expand your child’s world far beyond their clothingIn short, gender neutral clothing lets your child express themselves freely and show their creativity when choosing their outfits.

Premium children’s gender neutral clothing has the ability to fight gender stereotypes and send the right message to our childrenInstead of telling them what is expected of them, it gives them the ability to believe in themselves and their abilities so they can do anything they put their minds to!

Contact Mokha Clothing

To learn more about gender neutral clothing and apparel for your child, contact Mokha Clothing and shop their wide selection of premium children’s clothing for boys and girls today!

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